Everton FC: 'A move I didn't want to pass by' - Iroegbunam

Timothy Emeka Iroegbunam has told Everton TV, his move to Goodison Park is one he "didn't want to pass by".

New Everton FC addition, Timothy Emeka Iroegbunam
New Everton FC addition, Timothy Emeka Iroegbunam. Photo: @Everton

The central midfielder, 20, after putting pen to paper for a three-year deal with Everton FC, expressed his joy by saying, "I’m very pleased. Everton is an amazing club, a big club and I’m just really happy to join".

Iroegbunam, who is of Nigerian descent, made the move to the Liverpool based club from Aston Villa.

He told Everton TV: "I’m very pleased. Everton is an amazing club, a big club and I’m just really happy to join and I can’t wait to get started.

"It was a move that I didn’t want to pass by. I wanted to take the opportunity.

"When I spoke to Kevin [Thelwell], he told me more about the Club – its history, the future and where they see me playing. It made me feel very excited because there are big things coming, especially with the new stadium.

"When I’ve been to Goodison as an opposition player, I’ve seen how the Everton fans are. You can tell straight away what the atmosphere is like – they are always backing the team. I’m going to work hard for them.

"I just can’t wait to get started. I’m going to give everything and I can’t wait to show what I can bring to this club."

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