G7 Summit 2024: Macron meets Pope Francis, reaffirm commitment to create conditions for lasting peace

President of France, Emmanuel Macron, met with Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, at the G7 Summit 2024 in Italy, and both reaffirmed "shared commitment to create the conditions for lasting peace".

President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and Pope Francis, at the 50th G7 Summit in Italy
President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and Pope Francis, at the 50th G7 Summit in Italy. Photo: @EmmanuelMacron

The G7 Summit 2024, which is the 50th edition of the event, kicked off on Thursday 13 June and will end on Saturday 15 June, 2024.

According to President Macron: "With Pope Francis at the G7, we reaffirm our shared commitment to a more united and just world for people and the planet. Let us all work together to create the conditions for lasting peace."

Earlier, at the Summit, Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission (EU Commission), called on G7 Leaders to "work as partners and fight smugglers/human traffickers".

President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and Pope Francis, at the 50th G7 Summit in Italy
President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and Pope Francis, at the 50th G7 Summit in Italy

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