Eko Bridge Auto Crash: '6 vehicles and heavily loaded truck' involved - NEMA

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has disclosed, "6 vehicles and a heavily loaded 'MAC' truck" were involved in the auto crash which occurred on Wednesday 9 August, 2023.

Multiple auto crash on Eko Bridge in Lagos resulted to the death of two "a male and a female"
Multiple auto crash on Eko Bridge in Lagos resulted to the death of two "a male and a female". Photo: @nemanigeria

NEMA also disclosed, the "tragic" incident happened "in the afternoon around 1435 hours", and "resulted in 2 fatalities (a male and a female) and left 5 individuals seriously injured".

According to NEMA: "Emergency response teams from NEMA Lagos Territorial Office and LASEMA, along with other stakeholders, swiftly responded to a tragic multiple crash incident on Eko Bridge in Lagos.

"The collision occurred in the afternoon around 1435 hours, involving 6 vehicles, including a heavily loaded 'MAC' truck with registration number T-1501 LA.

"Tragically, the incident resulted in 2 fatalities (a male and a female) and left 5 individuals seriously injured.

"The collision occurred due to a brake failure in the 'MAC' truck, which collided with 5 other vehicles, including a commercial mini-bus known as a 'Korope.'

"The vehicles involved were a fully loaded truck (T-150 IL), a Lexus Jeep (LSP 795 EW), a Toyota Camry (AKD 606 HH), another Toyota (LND 217 GX), a Mini-bus (FKJ 77 YG), and (LSR 952 HZ).

"Rescue efforts managed to save 5 accident victims, unfortunately 2 fatalities were recorded."

Multiple auto crash on Eko Bridge in Lagos resulted to the death of two "a male and a female"
Multiple auto crash on Eko Bridge in Lagos resulted to the death of two "a male and a female"
Multiple auto crash on Eko Bridge in Lagos resulted to the death of two "a male and a female"

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